The Second 100-Day Challenge: Gain 1 Million Followers

The Second 100-Day Challenge: Gain 1 Million Followers

From the completion of the first 100-day challenge on July 16th, the second 100-day challenge was launched immediately after, exactly 75
days. With only the last 25 days left, including 5 days in the National Day holiday, the situation has been finalized, and you can do a basic review.
The goal of the second 100 days is to achieve the goal of the second 100 days.
The second 100-day goal is to achieve 1 million fans across the web.
First, my logic for dismantling this goal is: 1.

  1. Traffic-oriented, operation-driven, through the public platform output point of view. In the past, the type of content was not stereotyped, resulting in the frequency and quality of output being unstable.
    The frequency and quality are not stable, the current content to do a repositioning.
    I have high-dimensional business thinking and underlying human insights, so I can dig into the motivations and values of the creators behind knowledge payment products.
    points, so that my perceived value and the product value of knowledge-paying products can be combined.
    Therefore, I'm going to do an interview program for paid knowledge bloggers to dig into the value points behind these products and help them break through the barriers of their own circles and spread their knowledge.
    their own circle barriers, spread to more people to understand. Then through this process, I will get to know and understand more paid knowledge IPs, and through this model, I will accumulate more and more knowledge IPs.
    I will then recognize and understand more knowledge-paying IPs through this process, and through this mode to accumulate my own traffic and form my own fans.
    Although I can't do a good job with both traffic and products, I have found a model that connects my traffic and related products.
    Instead, this is more valuable to the whole market, because the scarcity of the market is the value amplification of the person, not the
    the scarcity of the market is the value amplifier, not the lack of a competitor.
    For what user groups
    Now everyone is most concerned about doing side business, because the main business of the sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, the economic situation is not good, the enterprise has a great deal of uncertainty in its own business.
    There is a great uncertainty when the economic situation is not good, so more and more people want to have a side business of their own. For knowledge workers, the best side business is not to open a B&B, bar or bookstore as in the past, but the content industry, where the relationship between supply and demand has changed significantly. It used to be that content consumption was growing rapidly, and MCN was supporting people who could bring traffic value and help them 1-1-1.
    value and help them commercialize 1-10. Now it's supply growth, the number of people who are willing to pay for knowledge to get income increases, and they are all at 0-1.
    They are all in the 0-1 stage, lacking basic content knowledge and traffic resources. This crowd, many of whom are now in
    work, or digital nomads in desperate need of transformation, they will naturally have the ability to pay and the demand to pay, the need to obtain income is far less
    as high as the need to get recognized.
    The ultimate business loop
    Through interviews with knowledge-paying IPs, I uncovered the value of knowledge-paying products and helped knowledge-paying products find target users.
    The target users find a suitable product for themselves and find a suitable direction for their side business, thus expanding the user base and supply group of knowledge payment.
    The target users will find their own side business direction through learning about the suitable products, so as to expand the user group and supply group of knowledge payment.
  2. Fan-oriented, strengthen product capabilities. At present, we have made a WeChat community and two knowledge planets, but we have not made an atmosphere.
    There is a certain fan base, but there is no tone and stickiness, the root of the problem is that I do not have my own knowledge payment products to do.
    The root of the problem is that I don't have my own knowledge payment product to deliver, and I can't standardize it to meet the needs of users in a certain scenario.
    My ability to do product output is also relatively weak, what knowledge courses and action items of the training camp have not done, and
    I've never even participated in one. Therefore, the current plan is to cooperate with others to make a knowledge base on the topic of how to operate personal IP in a scientific way.
    The topic is: how to operate personal IP in a scientific way, we will take the knowledge payment products on the market according to personal attributes, platform logic, content type, popular IP, core methods and other dimensions.
    We will sort out the knowledge payment products in the market according to personal attributes, platform logic, content type, popular IP, core methods and other dimensions.
    This sorting process is also a learning process, with such a knowledge base, I can guide the fans to carry out targeted learning, I can also guide the fans to carry out targeted learning, I can also guide the fans to carry out targeted learning.
    I can also do some guidance, such a product and those based on personal IP out of the course, there is a significant difference
    This product is significantly different from those courses based on personal IP, and is truly based on an objective perspective, with the concept of building a complete personal IP, fully absorbing the experience of various experts, and providing a structured program.
    It is really a structured product from an objective point of view, based on the concept of building a complete personal IP and drawing on the experience of various experts.
    Maybe in the process of organizing the knowledge base, I will have some feelings about how to make a lesson of my own.
  3. Customer-oriented, good service. This is a continuation of the first 100-day challenge to make money goal, because the customer is direct payment.
    But the requirement for service ability will be higher.
    Traffic can be satisfied with content, fans can be satisfied with standard products, but customers are personalized. In selecting clients I
    pay special attention to their degree of cooperation and the degree of reliability of the project, at the same time I will build their own online team, in the business run through, I will pull myself out of the team members to serve.
    Familiar friends, classmates, to the online network and fan development.
    Future customers are to serve those who have a large water flow, good profitability attributes, so that the value of their services to play to a greater extent.
    But now a lot of business my business ability, as well as the maturity of the team is not enough, I have to have a gradual
    I have to have a gradual process.
    Second, in addition to business, I also think about my own philosophical logic
    In fact, at this stage, it is not difficult to figure out how to do a good job in personal IP, but it is difficult to convince myself that I only need to do a good job in this stage.
    This thing.
    In fact, when I was doing the first stage of exploration, I encountered some questions around me, why do this, these are small things, why do so many things.
    things, why do so many things. These are not focused enough, not ambitious enough, and these are all very different from what people understand as things that are big enough to make a career.
    There is a big gap between these things and what people understand to be enough to make a career. But what I see more is that many people are looking for the next goal in their life with this kind of idea.
    goal in life, only to stumble because nothing in front of them meets the need.
    When I thought about two things, everything became clear: 1.
  4. If many things are important and you don't know how to choose between them, then don't make choices, just make an order, according to your current ability to act.
    It's the closest you can get to a strategy that will get you results. And you can maximize the use of
    You can maximize your resources and do what you can do well. So there are a lot of things that I can sort of do to get organized.
  5. out of two conflicting elements, if you don't know which one is the most important, you look at what you're missing the most, and often
    What you lack the most should be what you need to look at the most. For me, the most important goal at the moment is not to find the right
    thing to do, because I feel that making a big impact and earning an income through trading is already a direction that I recognize very well right now.
    This will help me to start my own business in the future. So what I'm missing is the ability to do things right.
    So, I am just going to devote myself to the scientific operation of my own personal IP, make building my 100 fans as the borrowed fake
    Cultivate the real explicit goal, and then organize the thinking in the process into written content and understand it as a paid column.
    In this stage, I have further refined my philosophy of doing things, and more clearly what I want to do, and I still feel very solid.