I launched an RPA + ChatGPT project and made 70K in a week!

I launched an RPA + ChatGPT project and made 70K in a week!

ChatGPT is super hot right now, so how do we make the most out of it? I think there are two main focuses:

  1. Creating quality content
  2. Creating more quality content

How do we ensure high content quality? The ChatGPT Sailing course I took in February gave me the knowledge boost I needed. The content generated by ChatGPT is top-notch, but people now want more advanced features—how to quickly and efficiently produce a lot of content. I'm really good at automating processes, so I used RPA to drive ChatGPT for automated content generation, boosting efficiency and meeting user needs.

Today, I want to share my experience on how I launched the RPA + ChatGPT bootcamp and made over 70K in a week.

1. Overview

Let's start with some key data.

1.1 Product and Service Content

We provide a solution to help users boost their content production efficiency by 10 times using ChatGPT.

1.2 Revenue Data

  • Total Revenue: 70K
  • New Members: 35
  • Average Order Value: 1980 yuan/person (two people joined for 2980 yuan each)

1.3 RPA+ChatGPT Bootcamp Timeline

During the ChatGPT Sailing course in March, I immediately launched the "RPA+ChatGPT Bootcamp." The course started on March 3, and I announced the bootcamp on my WeChat public account, with registration closing on March 8.

A total of 63 people signed up, with two more joining after the deadline on March 9. This time, we had 35 new members. Old members joined with a deposit, so their payments were not counted as income.

1.4 How I Attracted Customers

I'm a one-man team, so promoting is always challenging. Despite my automation skills, not everything can be automated. I didn't do any external promotion this time, relying instead on my private domain (about 10,000 friends on WeChat) and semi-public domain (around 900 followers on my WeChat public account). Despite the small number of public account followers, it brought in over 20 new members. Additionally, my articles on Zhihu (with over 400 followers) brought in three more sales. The rest came from my WeChat friends.

I prioritize adding users on WeChat. I have nearly 10,000 friends across my two main WeChat accounts. This number may not be huge compared to private domain experts, but it's more than most people. Posting articles this week activated about ten friends to become new members.

2. How I Combined ChatGPT with RPA

I went through several stages:

  1. Discovered ChatGPT
  2. Tried ChatGPT
  3. Explored ChatGPT
  4. Built a ChatGPT tool
  5. Joined the ChatGPT Sailing course
  6. Launched the RPA+ChatGPT Bootcamp

2.1 Accidentally Discovering ChatGPT

In December last year, I stumbled upon ChatGPT on a knowledge-sharing platform. I didn't realize its potential at first, but in this community, even if you plug your ears and close your eyes, you'll still feel the buzz.

2.2 Curiosity and Trying ChatGPT

Influenced by the ChatGPT hype, I tried it out and found it extremely useful. This sparked the idea to explore its potential further.

2.3 Digging Deeper into ChatGPT's Value

I've been into automation for years, even though I don't know how to code. I often use RPA for automation, which can help build a large content volume and achieve great results. ChatGPT's content is unique and worth amplifying with RPA automation.

Once the generation process is streamlined, you can use RPA to automate content input and storage. RPA bots also have intelligent judgment capabilities, like issuing "continue writing" commands if the content is incomplete. It might sound simple, but it significantly boosts efficiency. Manually creating 100 pieces a day would drive anyone crazy.

2.4 Building an RPA-Driven ChatGPT Bot

With the idea in mind, I quickly created a usable product. Around mid-December last year, I made a tool that used RPA to drive ChatGPT for automated content production and gave it to a client, who provided positive feedback. Later, a student used the tool, made a video of it in action, and shared it in other groups, creating a lot of buzz. Many people contacted me, expressing a strong need for this bot.

2.5 Joining the ChatGPT Sailing Course

The ChatGPT Sailing course came at the perfect time. It helped me quickly launch and refine the RPA+ChatGPT bootcamp. Most of what I know about ChatGPT comes from this hands-on course.

A significant part of the course was a repository of materials, which I quickly went through to form my knowledge base and integrate into my bootcamp. Without this, my bootcamp would be incomplete.

2.6 Launching the RPA+ChatGPT Bootcamp

On March 3, the day the ChatGPT Sailing course started, I announced the RPA+ChatGPT bootcamp on my public account and WeChat Moments. The bootcamp offers a solution rather than just information.

Combining my practical experience, I provided use cases that many users could relate to, as they were already doing similar things. Most participants joined for the solution, not just ChatGPT info, so I set the entry price at 1980 yuan. Despite the high price, we added 35 new members in a week.

3. My Reflections

I heard I'm one of the top earners among the ChatGPT Sailing course participants. Here are some of my thoughts:

3.1 Dare to Launch and Charge

If I did something right, it was daring to launch and charge for my product. Charging requires something to deliver, whether it's a community, course, bootcamp, tool, or guidance.

Many people get stuck here. They have ideas but keep dismissing them for various reasons, like thinking they're not tech-savvy, the idea isn't mature, no one will buy, or fearing criticism. This means the idea remains just an idea with no product to deliver.

My RPA+ChatGPT bootcamp only had three sessions, charging 1980 yuan/person. Promotion was limited to my Moments and public account, so exposure wasn't huge, but the price per customer was decent. A lower price, like 199 yuan/person, might have reduced income by 80%.

3.2 Tell a Compelling Story

Delivery can't just be about a bot. The bot itself isn't valuable—what's valuable is the entire method. I like to combine "idea × process × automation," with the bot as the automation carrier. Integrating the idea and process into the delivery makes it much more valuable.

This is the story behind "RPA+ChatGPT."

3.3 Leverage Hot Topics Quickly

I might be the first to offer an RPA+ChatGPT product. This time, I only posted on my Moments and public account. The results were satisfying despite limited traffic.

  • Leveraging ChatGPT's hype: My main business is an RPA community, focusing on implementing automation across various scenarios. When ChatGPT became insanely popular, I quickly introduced an RPA+ChatGPT automation solution.
  • Leveraging the ChatGPT Sailing course: I launched the bootcamp on the course's start day, and nearly half of the new members were from this community.

3.4 The "A+X" Money-Making Formula

A is the stable main line, X is the various integration targets, like ChatGPT+Xiaohongshu, ChatGPT+finance, ChatGPT+coding, etc.

My A is RPA, and the target is ChatGPT, so it's RPA+ChatGPT. Inspired by this community and with their help, I'm now building an RPA community. Unlike the tech-oriented RPA communities, I rarely talk about learning RPA itself, focusing instead on applying it to various scenarios.

I call these scenarios X, and this approach is called "RPA+X." I joined this community and within three or four days made back twice the membership fee by building a bot for a fellow member, charging 4K. The next month, I earned many times more.

Both times, the product was essentially "RPA+X," including the RPA+ChatGPT bootcamp.

3.5 Finding Various X's in the Community

In 2020, the founder wrote an article about how ordinary people can make money on Douyin. This article had a huge impact on me, revealing many business opportunities. I tapped into a small part of it.

I used RPA to streamline finding resources (like Douyin account owners' WeChat), adding friends (intelligent adding, record management), and shared my RPA knowledge and experiences in the community. Unexpectedly, I became the first person in the community to post about RPA.

I joined the community in October 2020 and in November launched the first RPA+adding friends bootcamp, priced at 1999 yuan/person. Over 60 people signed up in half an hour, with more than 70% from the community.

The RPA+ChatGPT and RPA+adding friends bootcamps followed a similar path. "RPA+adding friends" was inspired by this community, and so was "RPA+ChatGPT."

I've launched other opportunities found in the community, like Douyin automation for traffic, Xiaohongshu note bulk formatting, video bulk generation, and video bulk uploading.

I even started an "AI Sailing Club" community, generating over 50K in ten days. The income isn't comparable to