Don't Be a Cheap Personal Growth Blogger / Influencer

Don't Be a Cheap Personal Growth Blogger / Influencer

There’s a trend going around in our circles lately: everyone’s jumping on the personal growth blogging bandwagon. Sure, the growth niche is always buzzing—it’s perfect for newbies to quickly build an online presence and resonates well with audiences.

But here’s the question: If we’re all in the same game, why do some people rake in thousands of followers and cash while you’re still struggling to gain traction?

Today, I, Qingjiu, am here to tell you why you should never become a cheap personal growth blogger!

✅ 1. Provide Valuable Information

The reason “growth” feels so cheap is that we often overlook the value we’re delivering. You might think you’re sharing great insights, but if you're just churning out common and vague information, you’re missing the mark.

(1) Offer Solutions and Steps, Not Just Goals

When people share growth tips, they often fall into the trap of thinking they just need to keep pumping out content, and their account will eventually take off with enough persistence. But if you're not using the right methods, no amount of time will help.

You need to tell people "how to do it," not just "what it is."

For example, if you want to talk about “changing your mindset to overcome anxiety,” here’s a wrong approach:

  1. Don’t overthink.
  2. Stay resilient.
  3. Face anxiety head-on.

These points sound "professional," but they’re essentially empty because they don’t tell people how to avoid overthinking or what resilience even looks like in practice. It’s like solving a math problem: you need to show the full steps to get full credit.

Now, here’s how you do it right:

  1. Don’t catastrophize outcomes.
  2. Don’t shy away from unexpected challenges.
  3. Counteract with specific actions.

If the theme is “overcoming anxiety,” these three points are clear, actionable steps targeting that issue. They’re not only easy to understand but also highly practical.

(2) Avoid Overly General Information

To stand out, you need to bring something substantial to the table, not just share basic or commonly known information.

Firstly, the self-media space is highly transparent—nothing stays hidden for long. Secondly, the competition is intense, raising users' expectations.

In the past, simply sharing basic content might have earned you likes and followers. But now, even deep, core content might not grab attention. For instance, when I started sharing content, I covered basic topics like setting up WeChat public accounts, formatting, and traffic channels. Now, I focus on more in-depth content like private domain operations, IP article teaching, and building products and IP.

(3) Growth ≠ Keeping a Diary

Many unsuccessful growth bloggers don’t realize that growth isn’t about writing a diary or just keeping a record of daily activities.

You need to continuously learn, process new information, and transform it into your own insights. Consistently improve yourself, share valuable content, and provide altruistic value. That’s what makes you a growth blogger.

Your growth journey should be an upward spiral, not just aimless recording. It shouldn’t look like you're sporadically active.

For example, when I help students with their social media posts or IP articles, they often think growth means simple daily recaps. They just post whether they completed their daily plan without offering any insights or value.

I guided them to gradually absorb high-quality posts and share valuable content, which helped them move beyond “not really growing.”

Some prominent bloggers share valuable writing insights and combine them with their courses to boost conversion. They also share practical advice on fighting procrastination, learning to be satisfied, etc.

Remember, every niche has competition. To stand out, you need to adapt to market trends, continually improve, and make your “growth” more valuable.

✅ 2. Build a Continuously Growing IP Image

When sharing valuable content, many people turn the process into a mechanical task without considering their personal IP (Intellectual Property).

You might say a lot, but if you’re not weaving in your personal story, you’ll remain a vague “figure” in people’s minds, lacking a distinctive impression.

(1) Include Personal Stories

Whether you’re writing articles on WeChat or sharing content in a community, boldly incorporating your own stories and viewpoints is crucial. It gives a clearer IP image to others.

You can check my WeChat public account, where almost every original article includes my personal cases and stories. Sometimes it’s my life experiences, other times it’s my thoughts or stories involving my students.

Just tagging yourself on your profile page with general labels isn’t enough. For example, my labels like female growth and light entrepreneurship wouldn’t mean much if I didn’t constantly fill my articles and shares with stories and examples that reinforce these tags.

To solidify the "female growth" tag, I share stories like how I did numerous low-paying part-time jobs during college, hopped between several companies after graduation, and then used self-awareness and social media to build my IP, earning over 600K in three years.

(2) Deep Dive into Your IP

To avoid blending in with the crowd, you must deeply explore your IP’s uniqueness.

For example, my friend’s growth journey from giving up her plan to start a kindergarten, to being a Chinese teacher, and then earning thousands a month through writing, isn’t just about her income increase. She explains how she discovered writing, what she went through, and how she turned her situation around.

Reflect on similar situations in your own experience. Recall the context, your mindset, and your views at the time. This deep reflection helps you uncover the unique aspects of your IP, allowing your stories to resonate with more people, converting that resonance into trust and support.

✅ In Conclusion:

If you’ve chosen to be a growth blogger and are committed to it, recognize the value and IP importance of growth. Avoid spending your time and effort on cheap paths.

I hope today’s insights are helpful and believe you can become an outstanding and profitable growth blogger!

Reflect on the points above and see if you’ve fallen into any traps that might be cheapening your IP.